Altru Wellness
Bloodstone Mushroom Tension Tamer (2 pk)
Invigorates and breaks-up blood stagnation
Induces movement of blood & fluids (phlegm, lymph)
Relieves tension, stress (physical & emotional)
Release deeply held emotions (open Bao Mai Channel)
Diminish jaw & brow tension; TMJ | headaches
Relax tight muscles, relieve joint pain
Blood purifier | Increase circulation | Clear heat
Promotes benevolence | PTSD
Induces movement of blood & fluids (phlegm, lymph)
Relieves tension, stress (physical & emotional)
Release deeply held emotions (open Bao Mai Channel)
Diminish jaw & brow tension; TMJ | headaches
Relax tight muscles, relieve joint pain
Blood purifier | Increase circulation | Clear heat
Promotes benevolence | PTSD